
Each year, the WVAIA conducts Wilderness First Aid training in Waterville Valley. Our two-day class is taught by the world renowned SOLO Schools of Conway, NH. SOLO stands for Stonehearth Open Learning Opportunities. Students who complete this fun and challenging course receive Wilderness First Aid certification from SOLO good for two years. This is the perfect course for the outdoor enthusiast or trip leader who wants a basic level of first aid training.

Accidents happen. People get hurt, sick, or lost. The temperature drops, the wind picks up, and it starts to rain. Would you know what to do? Many backcountry emergencies are preventable, and when bad things happen, sometimes the wrong care can make things worse. By learning a few basic skills, you can make the difference between a good outcome and a bad one- and maybe even save a life.

The WVAIA offers its Wilderness First Aid training course in Waterville Valley, annually on the first weekend of November.