Boulder Path

Boulder Path [WVAIA]

The boulder to which this EASY trail leads sits in the middle of Slide Brook [1600 ft] as it runs alongside the Livermore Road. The trail begins off the Cascade Path, on a well-defined roadbed in the middle of the Cascade Ridge development. It soon crosses a paved cul-de-sac, and continues on the other side. At this point, the trail is both the Boulder Path and the Lower Snow’s Mountain x-c ski trail. After a little rise and turn in the trail, the Boulder Path leaves the ski trail, bearing off to the left at a small inconspicuous sign, and descends gradually toward the brook. At the bottom of the descent, the trail connects to an old roadbed. Turn left and walk a short distance over two short footbridges to the boulder. Boulder Path connects to Livermore Road, but it’s difficult to cross in high water.